ACDI and Scanshare agreement
August 27, 2020
New November release!
December 4, 2020We are delighted to announce the October maintenance releases, bug fixes but also some improvements towards speed and workflow processing power. To know the full list of changes have a look at the release notes below.

New Cloud Print
The new V5 platform improves continuously introducing new concepts and features for a unique 360 degree solution. Cloud printing simplifies the management of the users printing.
Simply printing management with Scanshare Cloud Print, move to a full cloud solution empowering Microsoft Azure Universal Print. Integrate seamless users with Microsoft Azure AD without the needs of configuring complex local configuration. All your local printers available everywhere, always.
Scanshare Cloud Print allows to handle printing with no efforts, anytime. Configuration is straight forward with an automatic process to connect Scanshare Cloud Print to the Microsoft Azure Universal Print tenant, no installations, no drivers, and preconfigurations.
Allow all users from your organization to print directly to the Azure Scanshare Cloud Printer, anywhere they are. Once at the printer list your pending print jobs and release them with a single click, directly from the cloud.
Scanshare Cloud Print is fully enabled to BYOD with the Scanshare Cloud Print Chrome extension for Chromebooks and mobile printing via the Scanshare Mobile Android and iOS native apps.
Printing data is stored securely on Azure based on the Microsoft Security guidelines for privacy protection, all your print date is safe.
New Connectors
Three new connectors are coming into availability: Exact Online, Greenlight CRM and Osisir. Improvements also with other connectors such as Sharepoint on-premise supporting federation schemes, Xero and XPLAN supporting new API and OAuth.
New JS.NET enhanced engine
After the very last new JS scripting engine addition, the engine already improves with the support of the .NET environment. With the full CLR availability Scanshare brings the scripting flexibility and power to the next level.
OpenID authentication with Azure
SSO functionalities also expand with the addition of the OpenID native authentication with Azure based SSO profiles. Fully integrated without configuration nor synchronization efforts, seamless, natively and securely.
Check it out at your local reseller!