With the possibility to create multiple tenants Scanshare V5 Multi Tenancy support will allow to have a full and isolated instance of the full featured Scanshare V5 workflow processing engine on one unique application installation.
Together with the powerful Scanshare V5 REST API now cloud-aware* clients will be able to connect directly to your tenant with a total server less installation: no server, no proxy, no local instances are required… connection straight away to your Multi Tenancy enabled Scanshare V5 server, wherever it is located.
Manageability of the server has never been so easy, everything seamless as a standard Scanshare V5 installation, just login with your super administrator account in order to manage, in few clicks, your tenant(s).
From one unique login interface every single tenant admin can easily login to manage its own private Scanshare V5 installation.
Contact your local reseller to know more about this exciting new feature!